Saturday, 24 March 2012

Time Thieves!

Dont Forget...

The clocks go forward at 1am tomorrow (Sunday 25th) morning...

I don't know about you, but everytime the clocks change, my body clock is all out of kilter for some time after. It feels so unfair to loose an hour of precious kip, especially when already we are running on full steam; but I have found some tips to help...

  1. Reset th body clock by moving key times in daily routine back by 20 minutes. This is especially helpful to young babies and children.
  2. The night before; put the clock back to encourage the mind to accept new time before falling asleep.
  3. Get up the same time on Sunday morning to prevent body clock confusion.
  4. Keep active on Sunday  and avoid napping in the afternoon, so you are tired Sunday night.
How do you cope with the clocks going forward or do you not feel all that affected?

Friday, 23 March 2012

Cosmic Ordering

Interesting Theory...

I hold my hands up. I am very intrigued and open minded when it comes to spiritual ideas and ways of thinking. I was very interested this week when I picked up one of my favourite mags and there was a section dedicated to the topic of "Cosmic Ordering."


Order up!

The idea is that you use the power of positive thinking, and you ask the universe for what you want in your life. The key thing to remember is to be specific and ask for what you want clearly. For example, if you ask for a new love in your life; you may end up with a new pet that you adore rather than the life partner that you desire...

It's that simple, you ask the universe and then sit back and wait for delivery whilst keeping all negative thoughts at bay. According to some sources (I have been investigating; naturally!) it's down to our subconscious minds holding us back and it's just a case of retraining the mind to believe and accept that we can have better... other sources then go on to say that I could get three discs for £19.99 to retrain the mind... *Blah blah yawn* and I switch off and think yeah right...

Here come the niggles of scepticism. Surely if it was that easy to ask the universe for what we need then we would all be happy little bunnies??!

After reading the article however, I felt very uplifted and thought I would give it a go. Of course I am asking the universe to make me a successful, published author and soon please!

I would be very interested if anyone has any stories to share and whether cosmic ordering worked for them?!

In the mean time I will be working as hard as ever on my writing to be published dream, and if I happen to get a little help from the universe in the mean time than I shall feel very grateful!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The Woman in Black - Book to Film

Movie or book?
Do you prefer the book version of a story to the film; or vice-versa?!

I absolutely love horror, in film or book form. When "The Woman in Black" was being advertised; I was drawn in  by the trailer and instantly thought: Gotta see that! But when I discovered it was actually based on a short story by Susan Hill, I thought; I'm going to read her version first... And there it is. On my bedside table waiting for me to have another stab at it...

I admit that I am finding this book hard to get into. I must have read the first few pages over and over again. Truth is; I can't seem to find my rhythm in the authors style of writing. It's like there are too many commas and they seem to be in awkward places, only to result in my losing the thread again. But I am a stubborn reader. I have to finish this book before I allow myself to watch the movie... Shouldn't be too difficult right? It's only a short story after all...

I tend to prefer the book version to the movie. For example, I was disappointed with several movies based on books, "Kiss the Girls" by James Patterson amongst many... but then I wonder if I'm too critical. After all, a movie is more of a interpretation than a remake of a story. I'm too quick to write off a movie if it doesn't follow the book or if it fails to explore certain elements more thoroughly. (Tough crowd?!)

But then I think, if movie makers are going to take on a book, then at least respect the story and do it justice.

What are your thoughts? Book or movie? Which movies have been successful; and which ones should have just left well alone? Are there any books that you feel should be made into movies?!

Watch out for my review of  "The Woman in Black" coming soon! (Hopefully...)

Saturday, 10 March 2012

The Blogger Returns...

Catchy... Could be a story title...

O.K. I've been away from the blog for over a week now but that was due to a stomach virus that left me totally drained. I only had the energy to do the bare minimum of the day to day things; writing and blogging had to take a back seat.

It didn't stop me from jotting down ideas and scribbling notes for another competition though. Maybe I have enough on my plate, but I couldn't resist...

Last night was the first time that I could jump back on the computer, so I spent it looking at other blogs for writing tips. I stumbled across this article: BEFORE THE CALL It is written by Lynnette Labelle and she describes ten things to do before getting that blessed call from the agent that wants to take on your work. Ten great tips and a very positive outlook on the seemingly bleak scene of the unpublished wannabe writer. Awesome.