Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Tools Of Divination

Some people fear the tarot...

You can mention the word 'tarot' and get quite a mixed reaction:
Some people freak out, some are intrigued, others disregard it completely and others take the mick. What is a apparent, is that it is a topic with varying opinion..
I like to think of myself as "open-minded" when it comes to walking a spiritual path. I am fascinated by spiritual ideas and have found myself trying to make sense of the ideas and concepts that I have come across. Amongst them, angels, the after life, reincarnation, spirit guides, power (totem) animals and the art of divination.

It's the last one I thought I would bring to debate with this post.

What is your first thought when you read the word "divination"? Crystal balls and fortune tellers? Mediums and tarot? Or yikes; don't wanna go there?!

For me, I guess, I just like the thought that there is something there looking out for us and guiding us through our lives. It's very comforting.

But that doesn't mean I'm completely convinced. I have a sceptical streak which keeps me grounded.

I will be the first to admit that there have been some strange, unexplainable occurrences that have happened to me. Nothing impressive... The thinking of someone and they ring, whilst driving I've listened to a gut feeling and I've avoided which could have been a nasty incident etc; I have also visited mediums, participated in meditation circles and have been on ghost hunts (cue ghost buster theme tune) but I guess what I am really doing, is trying to piece together a truth that I can accept and understand.

For me divination is fascinating and I practise with a range of tools. I'm not brilliant; but close friends and family ask me for a reading and I'm usually quite spot on. But then you could argue that I know these people, so of course, I have some background knowledge that will influence a reading... But that wouldn't explain the other accurate readings with people who I had only just met in a meditation circle... wow-zers, I was just as surprised as them!

I'm not proclaiming to be a psychic or a medium etc; I'm just sharing my own experiences of using tools for divination...

I use a divination tool in day-to-day life, just as a guide. Cards and other tools won't give you a "yes" or "no" to a question but they can help you chose/think about your choices.

This is one of my favourite tools:

I was browsing in one of my favourite esoteric book shops in Glastonbury, and tucked away was: STONE PEOPLE MEDICINE - A NATIVE AMERICAN ORACLE. (A book and card set)
I looked at it and read the back. I put it down down and continued browsing. But still I kept coming back to the set. It was £5... I bought it...

I like this set of cards for three reasons:

  1. The author has built the system around Native American ideas (it is a system designed by the author Manny Twofeathers; though belief and experiences)
  2. There are only ten cards to learn unlike traditional tarot! (phew)
  3. This set works for me....
The last point is very important. You wouldn't buy any other product that you couldn't get on with, like a book you wouldn't read or a movie you wouldn't watch; so it's the same with these tools.

In a nutshell:
In my humble opinion, there is a place for divination tools in everyday life. The stigmas attached are just that, and used correctly, they can be very useful... and entertaining for that matter!

Where do you stand on the subject? A load of old cobblers? Something that interests you? Not thought about etc? Do you use a divination tool? Or do you have any questions about my post? I will happily answer them.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I really like this post. My mom use to “read” tarot cards to her friends when I was growing up. She was really into it. I too believe there is a place for divination tools in everyday life.

    1. Hi Aris!

      I really appreciate your comment on this post. I sometimes find this topic hard to write about as you never quite know how it will be received...

      Thank you for the follow! (Am folllowing yours; I love the recipes and the lipstick personality test... that's different... )
