Sunday, 5 August 2012

Playing Catch-Up

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

Thank you!

I am finally starting to feel that I'm coming back around to some positive blogging! I am chasing the spark and I just wanted to say a big thank you for your patience and also a special thank you to those who took the time to post some lovely comments and encouragement on my "Inspiration and that brick wall" post.

So here I am and here's what's been happening...

Those following through Goodreads or those who check out my reading page, will be aware that for the longest time I was reading "The Hypnotist" I have never been so glad to see that last page let me tell you! It wasn't that the book was badly written, it was just long and I didn't feel that I could just dip in and out and for someone all ready up-to-the eye-balls with life, it took me so much longer to get done!
Today I finished reading "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins, #2 in the Hunger Games trilogy (like I had to tell you that!) Check out my review on my reading page.

I'm a bit embarrassed to post this here, but an excerpt of my currently-working-on novel has been chosen by Suzannah on "Write it Sideways" to feature on her blog, so it can be critiqued by others. If you would like to see the first 250 words of  "No Limitz", click on the link below:

Write it Sideways

I have always found Suzannah's web page so very helpful in progressing in my writing.I have had some very positive feedback, and some very constructive comments. I plan on using these in my work.

Now I have read the comments, I feel slightly embarrassed about my work. But, I am so glad I had the opportunity to share it as I have learnt so much. As well as all the "needs-a-re-look" points about my excerpt, I have also discovered that I might have something to work with and, may actually have something with potential.

I have also pulled myself together and have sent off another picture book story to an agent. Fingers (and toes) crossed for this one!

Although I haven't seemed to be around much lately, I have been reading my favourite blogs as per usual. I was very happy to add a new blog to my beautiful blog list, I am so glad I stumbled upon it as it made me laugh.

(comic strip by kind permission of Alex Vega)

The blogger is Alex Vega and he is an author/illustrator. I absolutely love his "Don't have a cow" comic strip.

Here's a link:

AlexVega's Blog

Blog hop over and see what you think!

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