Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Anyone For A Game of I-Spy?!

"I Spy in July" is  a theme being run all this month by the lovely Francesca of "Francesca Writes Here"

Through the month of July, Francesca is asking fellow bloggers to post what they see. A photo is useful but not essential. So keep your peepers open for that flash of inspiration and blog about it.

The only thing that Francesca is asking is that we leave our post linkys with her, so we can blog hop about to read each others.

I really love this idea and have been dying to get round to having a go... So before July slips away; here we go:

I spy with my little eye...

Rain, rain and more rain!

Here is  the view form our bedroom window...

Who would have thought that a month or two a go we had hose pipe bans across the country and the reservoirs where drying up... The weather has gone a little doo-la-lee across the globe this year...

With all this rain, a girl needs a little cheering up. In comes a little retail therapy..

I spy with my little eye...


I know it's summer... technically... but I couldn't resist these knitted slipper boots. So warm and cosy... Winter do your worst... Actually, scrap that. You never mess with Mother Nature...

Cute and functional. Half price. Bargain.
Not my usual style of trainer, but these BKs are uber comfy and stylish. Soft denim with a pretty, girly floral pattern on the back. Snazzy... Half price? Oh yes, even better! Another bargain....

With all this footwear, I can't help but wonder if I am purchasing the wrong type all together... Maybe I need to spy a pair of these for my next bargain...

Your turn, what do you spy in July?!


  1. your shoes are so cute! I wish it would rain here. 103 today....so hot.
    I spy a book almost finished...

    1. HA! Just read your post... Hope you got that book finished now after all that. ;-)

  2. So much rain! :( x

    1. Tell me about it! We were blessed with a dry spell today though. :0)

  3. Thanks for playing! Retail therapy can fix anything :-)

    1. Agreed!
      Really love your theme idea Francesca -I'm keeping my eyes peeled for more blog post opportunities in July!

  4. I linked to you in a blog post today!

