Wednesday, 4 July 2012

I'm Still A Winner Baby!

I was somewhat disappointed when I discovered that I had not been short listed for the Munch Bunch Story Telling Competition . Slightly gutted folks. But click on the link and see what awesome stories have been chosen and vote for your favourite. Apparently each voter is entered into a prize draw for a £10 Waterstones voucher... I looooooove Waterstones...

Anyhoo, after moments of consoling myself that everything happens for a reason, trying to convince myself that my story still rocked, that it was their loss and all that good blah - I had a lovely email...

I won this on Goodreads:

Oooooo! Signed by the author too...

Oh yeah.

Now that feels better... A "free-book" band aid...

Watch out for my review of Redhead by Ian Cook coming soon!


  1. They are totally missing out on your story! It is thier loss... ;o)

    I love the cover and the title of this book. Can't wait to read your review.

    Redheads, they are rare, beautiful, temperamental,…I can say this because I gave birth to one…LOL

    1. Hehe! Thanks for humouring me Aris! I guess I just wasn't meant to win it, but I actually had fun conjuring up another tale!

      I can't wait to get stuck into "Redhead", the cover pulled me in, something about the stones in sunset behind the waves of red hair... Really hope this book delivers!
