Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Tell Me Something Tueday #9

Hello; and welcome to Tell Me Something Tuesday, hosted by Cambria Hebert. If you are new to TMST, all you have to do, is take this weeks question, blog post your answer and then head on over to Cambria's to link up. Alternatively; just post a comment in the comments box; here or over on Cambria's blog. Then we can check out each others answers.

This Weeks Q:

What do you think of the whole Indie vs. Traditional Publishing? Do you as a reader (and blogger!) look at the publisher name before you choose to buy or read a book?

I fear this will be yet another Q&A that will leave me looking fairly ignorant to the whole topic... It's not something that I have given a whole lot of thought to.

So, in the interest of research, I went over to my bookshelves, just to take a look at what was on there by publisher. It turns out that most of them are "traditional".
I don't think this is a reflection on Indie publishing, I just guess that the traditional publishers are more "in your face" and can get the book out there more easily. It's the traditional publishers that are mainstream, and can get their books, well... everywhere.

Just as a general thought, I think that it is awesome that people can just go ahead and get themselves publsihed, especially if the book is a real gem that wouldn't get a second look otherwise. However, it's more time consuming to locate, and go through, the lists of indie publishers and pick out the "winning" titles.  If you pick a few that are disappointments, it makes it less likely that you would want to try out another title.

I think with traditional publishing, you can gauge the standard of a book. It's mainstream and easy to pick up... Plus, being mainstream, you have a multitude of reviews and opinions readily available, telling you whether or not to bother taking a look at a title.

I choose most of my books on impulses. First the cover may draw me in, then the blurb and if it's still got me intrigued, then I may carry it up to the cash register or library counter... It's rare for me to acknowledge who the publisher is as I am buying a book. 
It's only since blogging, reviewing books and reading reviews, that I may look to see who the publisher is; and even then, it's only ever a small curiosity. It doesn't really matter about the publisher, it's the story within the pages.

Happy Tuesday everyone! =)


  1. Great response! The story within the pages is definitely the most important thing!!! :-)

  2. I agree! I hardly every worry about who the publisher is anymore! I have my favorites and I stick by them no matter if they're traditionally pubbed or self pubbed. :) Great answer! Happy Tuesday! :)
