Sunday, 10 June 2012

The Hunger Games

Sorry I havent been around in a couple of days.. But I did it!


Those of you who follow, will know that I have been reading: The End of the line for (which feels like)  forever!

But yesterday I conquered it and it has been laid to rest on the bookshelf with no intention of reading again...

So; after a lot of reading other reviews and anticipation, I got to start "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins....

And today it is finished....UN-PUT-DOWN-ABLE...

A book hasn't done that to me in ages! (The last one was Apartment 16 by Adam Nevill)

The only question is , when can I read the next two books?!

Please click on my Read and Review tab to read both reveiws... :-)


  1. I NEED to read The Hunger Games soon too :D

    1. Hi Beverly!

      It's totally worth a go...
      It has got some mixed reveiws, but as always it's down to what the individual see's in the work

      Would love to hear what you think of it if/when you get round to reading it. :-)

  2. I just read it too. I had no desire, as the movie preview just did not seem like a movie/book I would enjoy. But my husband wanted to read it and in an effort to join and connect with him, I read it. I finished it in less than 24 hours. It was great. She is an amazing author, does a great job of grabbing you right from the beginning and ending each chapter with a cliff hanger that makes you start the next chapter. ABSOLUTELY great book. Have you did the next two yet? We are going to go buy book 2 tomorrow.

  3. Haha!

    Hey Kari, I can totally relate. I thought I wouldn't be into it, but here I am, chapter seven on book two.... With book three in the wings... How's the reading going?!
