Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Wishing On Wednesay #2


Welcome to my Wishing on Wednesday meme (#2) ...
The idea is simple, each week I will post a 'wish' along with my answer. It would be super awesome if you could join in too! Leave your comments or a link to your post so we can check out each others answers.

Please feel free to leave a suggestion for future wish themes too!
Wands at the ready...
This weeks' wish:

If you could wish to meet any author who would it be and why? (And what would you chat about?!)

I think it would be fantastic to sit down for a chat with an author over a caramel macchiato and slice of cake... but who would I pick if I could wish to meet any author? It's only one wish so I would I have to make it count...

Hmm... Someone from the past maybe? A tad awkward I feel, no chatting would get done as they would probably freak out at being whipped out of their time...

It would have to be someone from now then...

It's a difficult decision to make as there are so many authors that it would be an absolute honour to meet; such as Terry Pratchett, James Herbert, Lee Childs...

Okay, I think my choice would have to be Adam Nevill.


I love the horror genre!

I started reading horror in my early teens... (*Which surprised my mother as I was freaked out by the Return to OZ movie when I was a kid. It was something about that queen collecting heads and putting them in glass display cabinets... Freaky!) I started with Goosebumps and Point Horror novels, (Thank you Mr R. L. Stine!) and it just grew from there!

And this was supposed to be a kid's movie?!

What I love about it most, is that you can explore your inner most fears in safety. Anything really scary and you can just close the book. (And put it in the freezer like Joey did in Friends...)

And talented, british horror writer Adam Nevill; explores some well spooky, scary concepts in his novels...

What I like about his writing is that he doesn't rely on blood and guts gore to scare his readers.
Although a healthy side helping of that is always useful in a horror story!
What he does, is build layer upon layer of tension through great descriptive writing. The imagery drags his readers into the book alongside the characters for an incredibly, nail-biting journey!

As for what I would chat to him about, I would like to talk to him about his inspirations for his supernatural tales and where they come from!

So who would you pick and why?

Happy Wishing Wednesday folks!

The  mind behind "Apartment 16"... Adam Nevil


  1. This is a fun post! Here's my answer:

  2. Hello Aris!

    Thank you!!! ;-D
    Really apreciate you joining in, I have left comments over on your post.

    Have a fab rest of the week.

  3. Great answer! :) I've only met one author (Rachel Caine) but it was so fun!

  4. I would have to say Francine Rivers. Her books have gotten me through some really rough times. Just amazing analogies.
