Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Tell Me Something Tuesday #3

Hello and welcome to Tell Me Something Tuesday #3; a weekly meme which is hosted by the lovely Cambria Hebert (Click Here)

Today's question is:

"What is your list for Must-Read this summer?"


I know that there are lot of devoted book bloggers out there who are very current up-to-date readers... And probably have a list of titles that they are dying for the publishers to get on and publish...

Alas, with my limited time, I always have a long list of books that I am waiting to read, so I'm afraid I don't go looking for the new releases in the summer, only if I know that a favourite author has a book due... So here is my current (limited to 10 or else I would never get this post done...) to-be-read list...

No particular order:
  1. The Hunger Games Suzanne Collins (I know, I know, I'm reading as fast as I can!)
  2. Glass Houses Rachel Caine (And the next two books... recommended by  my sister's friend/a fellow blogger so I can't ignore the recommendation anymore!)
  3. The Hypnotist Lars Kepler (Looks interesting...)
  4. Kill Alex Cross James Patterson
  5. Wrapped Jennifer Bradbury (recommended by a fellow blogger)
  6. Last Days Adam Nevil (A favourite horror writer...)
  7. Juggernaut Adam Baker
  8. Cinder Marissa Meyer
  9. The First Days Rhiannon Frater
  10. Ash James Herbert (To be released 30th August... maybe... the date seems to have jumped a couple of times... Herbert makes it into my top horror writer list, can't wait for this one!)
I just need some time! Can't wait to see what your list is like, though I bet I find more titles to add to my list... (Blogging about books is dangerous! LOL)

Happy Tuesday everyone!



  1. Great post! i am off to check out some of those books you have posted.
    I am on the third Hunger Games book and I am about 30 pages through it and I can't seem to pick it back up again and finish it. Meanwhile, I finished the first book in about 24hours! Hope you enjoy the books!

    1. I am desperately trying to finish my current book as Hunger Games is next in line... I refuse to see the movie until I do! =) I have been told that the book is sooooooo much better!
      P.S. Thank you for the follow! =)

  2. Great post and answers this week!! I recently read the Hunger Games series (before the movie came out) and I really loved it. It really is a great series. I havent had the chance to read Cinder either, I want to though. Great picks looks like you have a busy summer of reading lined up!

    1. With my track record, this list may take me until Christmas!!! LOL. Thanks for another grat Q for TMST!

  3. I also want to read Cinder. It looks like such a great book! And I hope you enjoy The Hunger Games books. And Glass Houses is AMAZING! You'll be hooked (that entire series is on my summer reading list; I'm on book 3 now). :) Happy Tuesday!

    1. The Hunger Games is next and then I can get stuck into Glass Houses... Everyone who I have spoken to about these Morganville novels are absolutely crazy about them!

      Happy Tuesday to you too Erin!

  4. Hahaha - this IS dangerous!!! I haven't heard of a few of those titles, so I need to check them out! I was a fan of the Hunger Games when the books first released. Loved them then and love them now - hope you will too!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
    New follower :D

    1. You are very welcome! Your blog is awesome - I hope you enjoy it here too... I'm loving TMST,I am meeting such a great group of bloggers!=)

      I will be reading Hunger Games next and will post my thoughts on my review page...

      Thanks for stopping in to comment!

  5. Hi Schez! Don't worry I haven't read any of the ones you named. ☺ So we're in the same boat. ☺

    1. Haha!

      So many wonderful books in the world and so little time eh!

      Thanks for stopping in! =)

  6. Thanks for stopping by Heidi!
    I have heard nothing but good stuff about the Frater series too; It's been on my Amazon wish list for a while. As for Cinder, I really can't wait to get to this one! (I read your reveiw for it too, which just made me want to get it even more ;-) )

  7. Yay for new followers! I love the Morganville series, hopefully you will, too! I read the Hunger Games trilogy in one weekend. Once I started reading I couldn't stop. Cinder almost made it on my list. Nice blog BTW!

    1. Hellooooooooo!
      Thank you for joining me here, and for your comment about my blog.. I've still got a lot to learn about blogging!(Like how to make a button?!) But really enjoying it!

      Wow, a trilogy in one weekend?! It's amzing when you discover a book that can do that! I've got high hopes for both The Hunger Games and Morganville! =)

  8. My mother's favorite author was James Patterson, and I tried reading a few of his books, but the language was always a bit to vulgure for me to enjoy (But when made into movies, it didnt bother me, weird...).

    I have heard all the hype over Hunger Games, but never seen/read it. Maybe I will have to try it.

    I don't have any "must read's" right now, I am just trying to get through some of my old books before buying more. I have somehow collected a hefty library of books I have never read.
